
Future farming is coming to your home.

Simplified farming to empower urban homes with cutting edge technologies.

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Eat Clean and Fresh food

Clean food
Usage of pesticides and germicides exceeding MRL (maximum residue level) on food is not safe for consumption. We may not know for sure that the pesticides level of residue left on food we eat.
The alternative way of producing clean food is to grow yourself proudly and eat confidently.
Fresh food
The microorganisms cause food spoil. As long as the water and nutrition exists in the food, the bacteria multiplies and the food will become rotten. While the food travelled from farm to plate is sometimes a few hundred and even a few thousands of kilometers.
The alternative way of growing food locally helps to eat fresh food with good nutritions make you feel healthy.

Plantaerie's smart products

We have analyzed very carefully about the problems of urban growing and the health issues. To solve these, we have innovated Hydroponics based smart grow kits. We pet named "Hygro" grows clean and fresh food in your home.